[gdal-dev] problem with importing gml file to PostGIS with ogr2ogr

Piotr Pachół piotrpachol at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 13:00:08 PDT 2013

Hello list,
I have problem with importing gml file (with polygons) to postgis using
standard ogr2ogr command which look like:

ogr2ogr -a_srs EPSG:2180 -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost
user=postgres dbname=test password=postgres port=5432"

I tried to import two GML files (with xsd schema necessary):
- OT_ADJA_A.xml -  is orginal valid xml file - after import to Postgis a
table is created but geometry column is empty,
- OT_ADJA_A_changed.xml - is changed and not valid xml file - but after
import to Postgis a table is created and some records have geometry, the
other not.

All files are accessible here: 

So I have the following questions:
1. In file OT_ADJA_A.xml  Why aplication not recognize <ot:geometria>
element which is "gml:PolygonType" type ? (there is definition in 
OT_BDOT10k_BDOO.xsd file)
2. In file OT_ADJA_A_changed.xml I replace <ot:geometria> with
<gml:Polygon>. Why in that case some of records are imported with
geometry and the other not ?
3. Is there any constraints of Postgis or ogr2ogr in quantity of
vertices which can have a Polygon ?

I will appreciate any help.

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