[gdal-dev] MrSID JP2 support in Mac DSDK 9

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Dec 23 03:00:33 PST 2013

Hi Howard,

DSDK v8 or later no longer needs libltkdu.a. The test that should have succeeded
and that has not apparently in your case is :

        elif test -e "$with_mrsid/lib/libltidsdk.so" \
              -o -e "$with_mrsid/lib/libltidsdk.dylib"; then # v8+ .so has kdu

But I don't know if there are specific behaviour for the Mac DSDK

Regarding OpenJPEG, it will be undoubtly slower than any of the proprietary
implementation. For JPEG2000 files that are tiled, the performance is more or
less acceptable for interactive rendering in QGIS ( ~ 1 second with a 4 core CPU
  when scrolling). For monoblock JPEG2000, performance will be terrible since
OpenJPEG needs to decode  the whole file.


> All,
> This is more a question for the LizardTech folks, but I was attempting to
> configure GDAL trunk to provide JP2 support via the MrSID --with-jp2mrsid
> configure switch, and it complained about not finding libltkdu.a to enable
> it. That archive file is not in the DSDK at all, and as far as I can tell,
> this must mean there's either no JP2 support in the MrSID DSDK or our
> configure logic needs to change for DSDKs > 8.0 that have moved their JP2
> symbols into the main library or something.
> Does anyone know the story with MrSID JP2 is on OSX?
> Secondly, does OpenJPEG perform well enough to not bother with MrSID's JP2
> implementation?
> Thanks,
> Howard

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