[gdal-dev] GRIB2 to NetCDF - Large areas of data missing

Jason Greenlaw - NOAA Affiliate jason.greenlaw at noaa.gov
Wed Jul 17 13:31:51 PDT 2013

I am experiencing strange behavior when reprojecting/converting a GRIB2
file to NetCDF using gdalwarp, where the resulting NetCDF file is missing
lots of data (or possibly being set incorrectly to NoData) west of a
certain longitude.  However, if I instead reproject from GRIB2 to an
intermediate format (e.g. GeoTIFF), then convert to NetCDF using
gdal_translate, the result is correct.

The source projection is the weather service's custom lambert conformal,
and the destination is WGS84.  I'm using the following command:

    gdalwarp -wm 256 -of netcdf -srcnodata 9999.0 -dstnodata 9999.0 -t_srs
EPSG:4326 conus-wspd-01.bin conus-wspd-01.nc

GDAL versions tested were 1.9.2 and 1.10.

Screenshot of original GRIB2 file (first GRIB message) as displayed in
ArcMap: http://jetstreak.unh.edu/gdal/full.png
Screenshot of resulting NetCDF file (variable Band1) as displayed in
ncBrowse: http://jetstreak.unh.edu/gdal/cropped.png

Original GRIB2 file (6.3mb): http://jetstreak.unh.edu/gdal/conus-wspd-01.bin
Resulting NetCDF file (171mb):

Anyone run into a similar problem or have any ideas for how to resolve this?

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