[gdal-dev] Wrapping with SWIG

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed May 22 10:20:55 PDT 2013

Le vendredi 17 mai 2013 09:38:31, Hank Finley a écrit :
> Hi Tamas,
> thanks for the advice, I would still like to continue with my goal, down
> the track I'm going to be using this to fuel my OpenGL graphical map. The
> SQL API level was far too slow, so I am going to the C API level.
> Is it possible to contact Even somehow?

Done now ;-)

I'm afraid that your goal - as far as I've understood it - is not achievable. 
You will have to use the SQLite API at some point since Spatialite is "no 
more" than a set of C functions (and triggers) that can do 
serialization/deserialization of geometry blobs, spatial operations, etc... 
But you have to access the SQLite database through the SQL SQLite API.

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