[gdal-dev] OGRLayer.Intersection() question

Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com
Fri Oct 11 14:24:33 PDT 2013

Hi Tamas,

I was working with OsGeo.OGR.Layer.Intersection c# bindings and have
problems with setting string[] of options. The intersection of layers are
creating some invalid geometries to write in to intersected layer (Error is
thrown -  ApplicationException was unhandled - Attempt to write non-polygon
(GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) geometry to POLYGON type shapefile). I read the
documentation and saw options can be enabled like SKIP_FAILURES=YES  to
skip and continue if feature cannot be inserted, but setting option the way
I did below to skip still throws the above error.

string[] options = new string[] {"SKIP_FAILURES=YES"};
layerOriginal.Intersection(layerToIntersect, intersectedLayer, options,
 new Ogr.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Intersection");

Can you help me figure out how to set the options parameter to Intersection
method ? Thank you.


On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 11:25 AM, Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi <
drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com> wrote:

> Tamas,
> You are right. Output shapefile cannot have mixed geometries in the same
> file. But two input shapefiles (layers) can be of different geometries
> types to perform operations like intersection.
> Thanks,
> Dhheraj
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 11:19 AM, Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com>wrote:
>> You may probably leave this checking out, I 'm not sure about all aspects
>> of these functions. Actually the output file is a shapefile which doesn't
>> support mixed geometries in the same file.
>> Tamas
>> 2013/10/11 Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi <drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com>
>>> Tamas,
>>> Thank you very much for fixing the issue so quickly! I really appreciate
>>> it. That really saved lot of time for me to figure out what was wrong.
>>> One thing that I would like to discuss is with regards to
>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/gdal/swig/csharp/apps/OGRLayerAlg.cs (sample
>>> application).
>>> Line 108:
>>> if (layer1.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType() !=
>>> layer2.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType())
>>>     {
>>>           Console.WriteLine("FAILURE: Geometry type doesn't match");
>>>           System.Environment.Exit(-1);
>>>     }
>>> In the above line where you check if geometry type of layer1 and layer2
>>> are equal, If not equal you say Geometry type do not match. I was wondering
>>> layer geometry types can be different (eg a polygon shapefile and polyline
>>> shapefile etc) to do intersection right ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dheeraj
>>> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 3:19 AM, Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Dheeraj,
>>>> The issue is now fixed in trunk and branch-1-10 (check out the latest
>>>> sources)
>>>> I've also added a sample application for these methods:
>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/gdal/swig/csharp/apps/OGRLayerAlg.cs
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Tamas
>>>> 2013/10/10 Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi <drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com>
>>>>> Tamas,
>>>>> I appreciate you adding a ticket for this issue. Thanks. Is there any
>>>>> other option for me to use OGRLayer intersection with out C# bindings for
>>>>> now ?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dheeraj
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Tamas Szekeres <szekerest at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Dheeraj,
>>>>>> I noticed you are talking about the layer level geometry functions,
>>>>>> which hasn't been updated in the C# bindings yet. I'll add the necessary
>>>>>> implementation shorly. Also added a ticket to track the changes:
>>>>>> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/5264
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Tamas
>>>>>> 2013/10/10 Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi <drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com>
>>>>>>> Tamas,
>>>>>>> Sorry the sample code had wrong data source names. Here is the
>>>>>>> corrected sample code..
>>>>>>> var spatialReference = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
>>>>>>> spatialReference.ImportFromProj4("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84
>>>>>>> +datum=WGS84 +no_defs");
>>>>>>> var driver = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile");
>>>>>>> DataSource dataSourceToIntersectOn =
>>>>>>> driver.Open(@"C:\Temp\gdal_32\Polygon.shp", 0);
>>>>>>> Layer
>>>>>>> layerToIntersectOn = dataSourceToIntersectOn.GetLayerByIndex(0);
>>>>>>> DataSource dataSourceToIntersect =
>>>>>>> driver.Open(@"C:\Temp\gdal_32\Polyline.shp", 0);
>>>>>>> Layer layerToIntersect = dataSourceToIntersect.GetLayerByIndex(0);
>>>>>>> var intersectedShapeData =
>>>>>>> driver.CreateDataSource(@"C:\Temp\gdal_32", new string[] { });
>>>>>>> wkbGeometryType wkbGeometryType =
>>>>>>> layerOriginal.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType();
>>>>>>> Layer intersectedLayer =
>>>>>>> intersectedShapeData.CreateLayer("intersection", spatialReference,
>>>>>>> wkbGeometryType, new string[] { });
>>>>>>> OSGeo.OGR.SWIGTYPE_p_void callback_data = new
>>>>>>> OSGeo.OGR.SWIGTYPE_p_void(new IntPtr(5), false, layerToIntersect);
>>>>>>> OSGeo.OGR.SWIGTYPE_p_GDALProgressFunc callback = new
>>>>>>> SWIGTYPE_p_GDALProgressFunc(new IntPtr(5), false, layerToIntersect);
>>>>>>> layerToIntersect.Intersection(layerToIntersectOn, intersectedLayer,
>>>>>>> new string[] { "SKIP_FAILURES=YES" }, callback, callback_data); // Line
>>>>>>> where it fails
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Dheeraj
>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi <
>>>>>>> drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Tamas,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your response. In fact I don't require progress
>>>>>>>> notification, but I am not able to ignore those arguments (pass them as
>>>>>>>> null). If I pass them as null I get error "Attempt to dereference
>>>>>>>> null GDALProgressFunc". If I just pass those arguments
>>>>>>>> initializing them they way I am doing below in the sample code, I get  "Attempted
>>>>>>>> to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other
>>>>>>>> memory is corrupt." error.
>>>>>>>> I am using Gdal 1.10 library.
>>>>>>>> Here is the sample code..
>>>>>>>> var spatialReference = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference("");
>>>>>>>> spatialReference.ImportFromProj4("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84
>>>>>>>> +datum=WGS84 +no_defs");
>>>>>>>> var driver = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile");
>>>>>>>> DataSource dataSourceToIntersectOn =
>>>>>>>> driver.Open(@"C:\Temp\gdal_32\Polygon.shp", 0);
>>>>>>>> Layer layerToIntersectOn =
>>>>>>>> dataSourceCookieCutter.GetLayerByIndex(0);
>>>>>>>> DataSource dataSourceToIntersect =
>>>>>>>> driver.Open(@"C:\Temp\gdal_32\Polyline.shp", 0);
>>>>>>>> Layer layerToIntersect = dataSourceOriginal.GetLayerByIndex(0);
>>>>>>>> var intersectedShapeData =
>>>>>>>> driver.CreateDataSource(@"C:\Temp\gdal_32", new string[] { });
>>>>>>>> wkbGeometryType wkbGeometryType =
>>>>>>>> layerOriginal.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType();
>>>>>>>> Layer intersectedLayer =
>>>>>>>> intersectedShapeData.CreateLayer("intersection", spatialReference,
>>>>>>>> wkbGeometryType, new string[] { });
>>>>>>>> OSGeo.OGR.SWIGTYPE_p_void callback_data = new
>>>>>>>> OSGeo.OGR.SWIGTYPE_p_void(new IntPtr(5), false, layerToIntersect);
>>>>>>>> OSGeo.OGR.SWIGTYPE_p_GDALProgressFunc callback = new
>>>>>>>> SWIGTYPE_p_GDALProgressFunc(new IntPtr(5), false, layerToIntersect);
>>>>>>>> layerToIntersect.Intersection(layerToIntersectOn, intersectedLayer,
>>>>>>>> new string[] { "SKIP_FAILURES=YES" }, callback, callback_data); // Line
>>>>>>>> where it fails
>>>>>>>> The data that I am trying to intersect (shapefiles are attached).
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Dheeraj
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Tamas Szekeres <
>>>>>>>> szekerest at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dheeraj,
>>>>>>>>> I don't think the OSGeo.OGR.Layer.Intersection supports progress
>>>>>>>>> notification. You might probably have encountered a bug which should be
>>>>>>>>> fixed. Do you have a sample code to reproduce this issue? I would
>>>>>>>>> specifically interested in the actual geometries have been passed to the
>>>>>>>>> function.
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Tamas
>>>>>>>>> 2013/10/10 Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi <drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com>
>>>>>>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>>>>>>>  I have troubles with C# bindings of OGR. I was trying to
>>>>>>>>>> perform intersection on two feature classes (shape file formats) using
>>>>>>>>>> OSGeo.OGR.Layer.Intersection(), but have problems making it work. I
>>>>>>>>>> keep getting an error saying "AccessViolationException was
>>>>>>>>>> unhandled. Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an
>>>>>>>>>> indication that other memory is corrupt.
>>>>>>>>>> Is the above error something to do with SWIGTYPE_p_GDALProgressFunc
>>>>>>>>>> callback and OSGeo.OGR.SWIGTYPE_p_void callback_data arguments? I
>>>>>>>>>> tried passing those parameters null as suggested by some in the forums butI keep getting the error "Attempt to dereference
>>>>>>>>>> null GDALProgressFunc". I am not sure what that means.
>>>>>>>>>> And when I instantiate callback as new SWIGTYPE_p_GDALProgressFunc()
>>>>>>>>>> and new callback_data as new SWIGTYPE_p_void(), I don't get error Attempt
>>>>>>>>>> to dereference null GDALProgressFunc, but still have error
>>>>>>>>>> saying AccessViolationException was unhandled. Attempted to read
>>>>>>>>>> or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is
>>>>>>>>>> corrupt.
>>>>>>>>>> Can someone please help me figure this out and let me know how to
>>>>>>>>>> make use of OSGeo.OGR.Layer.Intersection() in the right way with
>>>>>>>>>> c# bindings. Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Dheeraj
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> gdal-dev mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/gdal-dev
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi
>>>>> Software Developer
>>>>> The Rothwell Group, L.P.
>>>>> Email: drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com <atvaughan at rothwellgroup.com>
>>>>> Phone: 713-952-5355 ext.30
>>>>> Web: www.rothwellgroup.com
>>> --
>>> Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi
>>> Software Developer
>>> The Rothwell Group, L.P.
>>> Email: drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com <atvaughan at rothwellgroup.com>
>>> Phone: 713-952-5355 ext.30
>>> Web: www.rothwellgroup.com
> --
> Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi
> Software Developer
> The Rothwell Group, L.P.
> Email: drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com <atvaughan at rothwellgroup.com>
> Phone: 713-952-5355 ext.30
> Web: www.rothwellgroup.com

Dheeraj Reddy Mamidi

Software Developer
The Rothwell Group, L.P.
Email: drmamidi at rothwellgroup.com <atvaughan at rothwellgroup.com>
Phone: 713-952-5355 ext.30
Web: www.rothwellgroup.com
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