[gdal-dev] gdal_grid: how to choose ellipse radius

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Sep 25 16:00:23 PDT 2013

Le mercredi 25 septembre 2013 12:31:05, laura0 a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am investigating Nearest neighbor algorithm of gdal_grid.
> The search ellipse is described by the three parameters:
> radius1, radius2, angle .
> My target is to get a regular grid as similar as possible at the original
> cloud of point, with the same values (no interpolation, so I choose the
> Nearest neighbor algorithm) . Which are the more appropriate parameters for
> this purpose?


You should define a resolution for the output grid that is close to the average 
spacing between adjacent points within your point cloud, and use that spacing 
value (or potentially slightly a bit more to avoid holes in the resulting 
output) as a radius1 and radius2 value. Setting radius1 and radius2 to 0 could 
also be a solution : it is equivalent to setting an infinite radius value.


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