[gdal-dev] GDAL Utilities: Keeping output format identical to input format

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Dec 15 02:53:51 PST 2014


> Hi,
> I've got a few GeoTiffs which have malformed projection/CRS data in them.
> I also have ones with the correct data in them.
> I would like to replace the malformed projection info with the correct
> one, _without having the original bands re-sampled in any way whatsoever_.
> If I use gdal_translate -a_srs +proj="tmerc wadda wadda" tiffbad
> tiffgood, is there a way to keep the bands identical to the input tiff
> file? (Maybe someone has written a utility to strip this info out of a
> 'good' image, and set it for use in gdal_translate?)

See http://www.gdal.org/gdal_edit.html

> In a similar vein, using gdaladdo to build pyramids does leave the
> original bands untouched and simply adds the newly calculated overviews
> to the tiff image, does it not?

Unspecified pyramid levels are kept untouched.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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