[gdal-dev] importing GML with geometry of many parts

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Dec 15 05:57:37 PST 2014

Le lundi 15 décembre 2014 14:46:06, Piotr Pachół a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have gml file with  geometries of different types (Points, Lines,
> Polygons)
> I try to import it into PostGIS with this command:
> ogr2ogr -a_srs EPSG:2180 -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost
> user=postgres dbname=test password=*** port=5432" c:\test.xml -nlt
> Almost everything works OK except  objects like that:
> <gml:featureMember>
>    <KR>
>      <bt:kod>0010_803</bt:kod>
>      <bt:geometria>
>        <gml:LineString gml_id="ID_1" srsName="EPSG:2180" srsDimension="2">
>              <gml:posList>479444.04 317832.37 479447.99 317823.28
> </gml:posList>
>        </gml:LineString>
>      </bt:geometria>
>      <bt:geometria>
>        <gml:LineString gml_id="ID_2" srsName="EPSG:2180" srsDimension="2">
>              <gml:posList>479659.15 318668.28 479695.28 318671.1
> </gml:posList>
>        </gml:LineString>
>      </bt:geometria>
>    </KR>
> </gml:featureMember>


Hum, this is an annoying form of GML with several geometry fields AND with the 
same name... GDAL 1.11 should normally be able to support multiple geometry 
fields, but in that case, that will not work as they have the same name.

In fact, you might want to try instead an older trick, quite experimental and 
not officially documented. Try setting GML_FETCH_ALL_GEOMETRIES=YES as 
configuration option/environment variable

OGR 1.8.0 adds support to "merge" the multiple geometries found in a feature 
setting the configuration option <b>GML_FETCH_ALL_GEOMETRIES</b> to <b>YES</b>. 
The geometries
will be collected into a GeometryCollection (or Multipolygon if individual 
are polygons or multipolygons). This can be useful when reading some GML 
application profiles.
If a <GeometryElementPath> element is specified in the .gfs, the fetching 
will be limited
to paths that match the value of <GeometryElementPath>.<p>


> In above example object consists of 2 parts and only second part of
> geometry(gml_id="ID_2") is imported to PostGIS.
> What should I do to import all the parts of the geometry of an object?
> Regards,
> Piotr
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