[gdal-dev] Decimal places of output in cs2cs

ludwig.hilger l.hilger at ku.de
Thu Jan 16 13:06:01 PST 2014

hello everybody,

I know that this is probably a ridiculously simple question, but I a rather
new to the syntax and have tried this for about 2 hours now. I want to
reproject decimal coordinates in epsg 4326 to 25832 and I want the output
values to have three decimal places instead of 2. I have tried the following
lines and none of them worked:

set source=+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
set target=+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m

cs2cs %source% +to %target% < input_4326.xyz > output_25832.xyz -f "%.3f"
cs2cs %source% +to %target% < input_4326.xyz > output_25832.xyz -f %.3f
cs2cs %source% +to %target% < input_4326.xyz > output_25832.xyz -f '%.3f'
cs2cs -f '%.3f' %source% +to %target% < input_4326.xyz > output_25832.xyz
cs2cs -f %.3f %source% +to %target% < input_4326.xyz > output_25832.xyz
cs2cs -f "%.3f" %source% +to %target% < input_4326.xyz > output_25832.xyz

would be more than happy if anyone could point out my error...


View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Decimal-places-of-output-in-cs2cs-tp5098497.html
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