[gdal-dev] ArcGIS RestAPI JSON Polygons

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Mon Jun 23 01:25:48 PDT 2014

Mateusz Łoskot <mateusz <at> loskot.net> writes:

> On 23 June 2014 03:32, Jeremy Palmer <JPalmer <at> linz.govt.nz> wrote:
> >
> > Is this a bug in the data from the service, or just the way the Esri
defines geometry objects (and therefor an
> OGR bug)?
> AFAIU, this is not a bug in OGR, but OGR GeoJSON drivers works with
> GeoJSON format
> whereas JSON produced by ESRI is a different format, not GeoJSON.
> > I can’t see a definition for multi-polygons in Esri API docs:
> >
> >
> Can you?
> There is no geometry of multipolygon specified.
> AFAIU, for multipolygon ESRI REST produces a hybrid: a Polygon that
> contains detached rings
> (or rings not in other rings, so they are not holes) and that is
> interpreted as multipolygon.
> Fun.

Based on
when geometries are built the ring is first added and by doing "Contais"
ESRI decides if the ring is a hole or another outer ring.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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