[gdal-dev] WAsP map output for ogr

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sun Mar 9 11:58:12 PDT 2014


my quick review :

- ogrwaspdatasource.cpp :
  * change author and copyright to yours
  * why do you need #ifdef _WIN32
# include <windows.h>
   * GetLayer() : index start at 0, not 1
   * WASP_MERGE: you could use CSLTestBoolean(CSLFetchNameValueDef( 
papszOptions, "WASP_MERGE", "YES" ))

- ogrwasplayer.cpp :
  * change author to yours
  * OGRWAsPLayer::~OGRWAsPLayer(): potential issues with lines with less than 
2 points ? (and probably at other places)
  * OGRWAsPLayer::WriteRoughness(): oErrorRegion.Intersect( oEnvelope ); at 
line 304 is useless
  * OGRWAsPLayer::CreateFeature(): GetFieldAsDouble() will return 0 if the 
field for the feature is NULL. That might be OK for your use case. If not, you 
could use IsFieldSet().
  * OGRWAsPLayer::CreateGeomField(): that's OK (except the assert(false)), but 
you likely did't need to implement it, unless the source feature has several 
geometry fields.


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