[gdal-dev] Draft GDAL/OGR class hierarchy for GDAL 2.0

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Mar 27 08:15:55 PDT 2014

On 27 March 2014 16:08, Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org> wrote:
> Selon Ivan Lucena <lucena_ivan at hotmail.com>:
>> Hi there,
>> That is a great discussion and I applause Evens efforts and all the
>> contributions, so but don't get me wrong by asking that:
>> What do we want to accomplish with that class hierarchy?
>> Will GDAL 2.0 be able to do thinks like:
>> $ gdalinfo <dataset>
>> And the proposed classes will be able to figure out what kind of dataset is
>> that?
> Well, I've completely dropped off the idea of the complex schema of classes.
> This was just to make people afraid and comment, and have fun myself with UML
> schemas ;-) But the ultimate goal remains to have a GDALDataset object that
> handle both raster bands and vectors. So yes an upgraded gdalinfo could
> potentially handle any of the below datasets. However I'm not sure of what we
> want to do with the current utilities. For example if you combine both
> gdal_translate and ogr2ogr in a single utility, it will have like hundred of
> options...

Or, make it similarly to git (or PDAL)

gdal raster info f.tif
gdal vector info f.shp


Best regards,
Mateusz  Łoskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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