[gdal-dev] OSM driver to create separate tables for tags

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Thu May 15 08:03:52 PDT 2014

Am 14.05.2014 23:56, schrieb Jukka Rahkonen:

> Read the driver manual http://www.gdal.org/ogr/drv_osm.html
> Multilinestrings are mostly route relations. Line members of these relations
> go also into line layer.

Ok, I missed that one.

> I do not see any reason why it should be much if any slower with separated
> tables than now when write tags are written into fixed schmema and to
> additional all_tags column, which should stay as the default.

> And for
> moderately sized datasets, like finland.osm.pbf or germany.osm.pbf GDAL is
> faster than osm2pgsql, especially on weak computers.

Osm2pgsql might take longer because it puts a lot emphasis on 
multipolygon retrieval. I still have polygons missing with the gdal 
driver (although this is better than the OSM import in QGIS).

But import time does not matter for me , as it is done only once. I was 
rather thinking about rendering time. From the postgis database, I can 
select a column "network" and style my cycle paths according to the 
values "icn","ncn","rcn","lcn". Pretty much the same as I would do it 
with a shapefile.

I guess this needs different handling with your tag table approach.

André Joost

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