[gdal-dev] RFC 46 GDAL/OGR unification adopted and commited

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Sat May 24 07:35:35 PDT 2014

> Motion : I move to adopt RFC 46: GDAL/OGR unification
>     http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc46_gdal_ogr_unification


The motion has been adopted with support from PSC members JukkaR, FrankW, 
DanielM, TamasS and myself.

The code has also been merged in trunk now. Version number upgraded to 2.0dev. 
Full rebuild needed ! Let me know if issues arise.

I've also done some unification of the online documentation on gdal.org too, by 
merging the previous gdal.org/ogr/index.html into the main 
gdal.org/index.html. Basically the "make docs" target in GDAL root directory 
generate the whole doc. Those changes will be reflected on the server in a few 
hours. Still work to do to update the tutorials.
I've installed in http://gdal.org/1.11/ the snapshot of the 1.11 
documentation, that will be mentionned in gdal.org main page, so that the 
trunk documentation can evolve more easily.

Question : I see that in http://gdal.org/credits.html we still have mentions 
to past sponsors, but the sponsorship program is more or less abandonned, so I 
think we could remove the Sponsorship section, and make sure that those past 
sponsors are just mentionned in the "Corporate" section.

Best regards,


Geospatial professional services

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