[gdal-dev] GDALwarp creates some darker images after update from 1.7.0b2 to GDAL 1.11.0
Marcel Blom
marcelblom at xs4all.nl
Fri Sep 26 10:41:01 PDT 2014
Because of some problems with GDAL 1.7.0b2 in FWTools 2.4.7 I upgraded
to GDAL 1.11.0 in the latest OSGeo4W distro. This solved some issues I
had, but introduced a really annoying one and what ever I do I can't get
rid off it. I hope someone can help me out. If BTW I try to go back to
GDAL 1.7.0b2 with FWTools the problem is still there, so I guess it's a
(new) driver/DLL update issue.
My problem looks exactly like this post... GDAL TIF to JPG Creates Dark
Only that I don't use JPG. And I use GDALwarp. And not all target files
have the problem. Most target files look OK. And I only see it with
Aerial Photo like sources. With vector like raster sources I don't see
the problem. So when reading the other post I thought it had to do with
a mask/alpha channel or something, but I can't see this in the source.
And whatever option I test, the problem remains.
I already created a post here :
But I had no final answer... And I think this is the right place to ask.
Here are two screenshots. One from the source (Tiff) and one from a
intersection of four target files (Tiff or BMP)
Section of Source :
Intersection of four Target files :
The source I use is 8bit/channel RGB JPEG. And the merged Tiff is
8bit/channel RGB.
I tested almost all options in multiple actions in my workflow. So
cutting the source with gdaltranslate in smaller parts for editing.
Building a VRT with gdalbuildvrt and cutting into final parts with
gdalwarp which will show the problem.
I started with the -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 option in my gdalbuildvrt action, but
GDAL crashes here... (?) I also tested other options that might have
something to do with the problem... -nomd -co ALPHA=YES/No -co
PHOTOMETRIC=RGBA/RGB -setci, you name it...
I checked good and bad source and target areas with gdalcompare and
gdalinfo, but I saw nothing strange...
I'm now thinking of resetting GDAL driver settings if that is possible..(?)
Has anyone seen this before? Can anyone give me a hint..?
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