[gdal-dev] Relating to GeoLocation tool of Geospatial PDF Document

George Demmy gdemmy at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 14:15:53 PDT 2015

Hi Sunil,

More recent versions of TerraGo Toolbar understand both ISO and OGC
georegistration encodings, but it's not likely that TerraGo Toolbar
will be useful in verifying whether something is georegistered
properly. As of Version 6, support of non-TerraGo PDFs was dropped for
reasons that I will not go into here. That is, encoding does not
determine if it works or not, but rather have access rights been
embedded into the file to turn on Toolbar. Acrobat and Reader should
support a pretty wide variety of standard GCS/PCSs encoded in either,
but relies on a 9.x era Esri pe.dll, so some of the newer Web Mercator
formulations, updated GCSs, and some regional coordinate systems might
not be recognized as well. FWIW, I recommend that without compelling
reason to do otherwise, to stick to ISO encodings because of good
support of WKT in GDAL and it's much easier to get right since the
registration points are given in the map GCS lon/lats, and you don't
have to worry with projected values for the georegistration metadata.



On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 5:06 AM, Vankadara, Sunil
<sunil.vankadara at hexagongeospatial.com> wrote:
> Here are the details.
> Adobe Reader: 11.0.10
> TerraGo Toolbar version January 19 2015
> Operating System: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1.
> Few modifications embedded in the below mail.
> Regards
> Sunil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) [mailto:jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi]
> Sent: 08 April 2015 12:44:PM
> To: Vankadara, Sunil; gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Relating to GeoLocation tool of Geospatial PDF
> Document
> Hi,
> The OGC_BP option is actually  created by TerraGo and I am surprised that it
> does not work for you with the TerraGo Toolbar because that is the native
> way for adding georeferencing info into GeoPDF (tm) files. In some of my
> early tests I found problems with interoperability:
> Only ISO: OK for Adobe reader, not-OK for TerraGO
> Only OGC-BP: not-OK for Adobe reader, not OK for TerraGo toolBar
> Both ISO and OGC-BP: OK for Adobe reader, not OK for TerraGo toolbar
> I made a bug report about the TerraGo toolbar a few years ago and I think
> that in later versions the bug was fixed so that it could handle also the
> "only ISO"  and "ISO + OGC-BP" cases. Unfortunately I don't have any
> computer with TerraGo toolbar available right now but I will try to make
> some tests later. An ideal case the BOTH option suits both for Adobe reader
> TerraGo toolbar so you could use that and reach the best interoperability
> and advanced features of TerraGo toolbar. Only users with ancient TerraGo
> Toolbar would be sad but they should upgrade in any case. But your findings
> suggest that this may not be the case.
> Please tell us the exact versions of your Adobe Reader and TerraGo Toolbar
> and the operating system you are running.
> I know that TerraGo folks at least used to follow gdal-dev so perhaps we
> will get some true information soon.
> -Jukka Rahkonen.-
> Vankadara, Sunil wrote:
>> Hi Jukka Rahkonen,
>> Thanks for the provided information.
>> Now I am able to see the lat/long values in the GeoLocator tool for the
>> files created with ISO32000 option.
>> I have installed the Terrago tool bar and created the file with OGC_BP
>> option and noticed that neither Adobe's GeoLocator tool nor Terrago
>> Geolocator toll showing the coordinates.
>> In fact the Terrago Geolocator tool is greyed out for this OGC_BP
>> option file.  Actually I am confused where this OGC_BP option used in
>> creating the PDF documents? Or is it needs to used using the Terrago s/w
>> only?
> Regards
> Sunil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Jukka Rahkonen
> Sent: 07 April 2015 01:49:PM
> To: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Relating to GeoLocation tool of Geospatial PDF
> Document
> Vankadara, Sunil <sunil.vankadara <at> hexagongeospatial.com> writes:
>> Hi Team,
>> I created a PDF file with OGC_BP as GEO_ENCODING option like shown in
>> the
>  below command.  The below tif file’s Datum and Projection details are WGS84
> /Geographic (lat/lon).
>> ./gdal_translate.exe -of PDF ../../Data/input/sample256x256_1.tif
> ../../Data/output/sample256x256_1.pdf -co GEO_ENCODING=OGC_BP -co
>>  PRODUCER="ERDAS IMAGINE" -co CREATION_DATE=D:20150407111345+02'00'
>> Looked at the created PDF file Metadata using QGIS tool and noticed
>> that
> it is having the same datum and projection details as like below.
>> Layer Spatial Reference System
>> +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
>> Layer Extent (layer original source projection)
>> -84.5046451524118538,34.1200924180016969 :
> -84.5042907999925177,34.1204467704210259
>> When I tried to use the Geospatial Location tool
> (Edit->Analysis->Geospatial Location Tool ) in the Adobe PDF Reader then the
> empty lat/long values are displaying at the right bottom of the  document.
>> Am I missing anything in creating the Geospatial PDF document ? How to
> confirm whether the CRS information is written into the PDF document or not?
>> How GDAL PDF handles in case the given projection is not supported by
>> the
> driver?
> Hi,
> Don't use the -co GEO_ENCODING=OGC_BP option alone if you want to show
> coordinates with standard Acrobat viewer without the TerraGo toolbar. Use
> the default which means ISO32000, or BOTH.
> Confirm the result with gdalinfo "gdalinfo output.pdf". If source SRS is not
> recognized define it explicitly by using parameters -s_srs and -t_srs.
> Alternatively you can just attach SRS to output with -a_srs.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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