[gdal-dev] Processing huge DEM dataset

Marcos Dione mdione at grulic.org.ar
Thu Apr 23 08:09:53 PDT 2015

On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 02:36:35PM +0200, Even Rouault wrote:
> Most gdaldem algorithms (except color-relief) need to compute some form of 
> gradient (a 3x3 window around the pixel being computed), so you have edge 
> effects. By default, they put a nodata value on the edges.
> If you specify -compute_edges, then they will interpolate extra values from 
> the ones available so that the edge pixels can be computed. You could still 
> see some discontinuity if the prediction isn't that great.

    preliminary tests show that is enough. of course, I will need to do
more exhaustive tests to see if it's so. thanks for the tip :)

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