[gdal-dev] WMTS support in GDAL

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Apr 30 00:55:11 PDT 2015

Le jeudi 30 avril 2015 02:33:47, Jeremy Palmer a écrit :
> Is it now possible to read WMTS sources using the GDAL WMS driver? The case
> looking at is using a service such as
> https://data.linz.govt.nz/set/2-nz-aerial-imagery/webservices/ and which
> has custom tile matrix specification and a RESTFul Tile access API.

Hi Jeremy,

There is no dedicated WMTS driver (or WMS "mini-driver"). However in 
particular - but common-  cases, for example when the tiling scheme is the 
GoogleMapsCompatible one, and more generally when all resolution levels have 
the same origin point, and their resolution differ by a factor of 2, you can 
use a definition of the WMS TMS mini-driver.

In your case, you can put the following content in a .xml file and it will work 
(adapted from http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms_openstreetmap_tms.xml).

    <Service name="TMS">
        <TileLevel>20</TileLevel> <!-- limited to 20, instead of 21 since GDAL 
block array would require much too memory -->
    <Cache />

A proper driver would infer that from the capabilities, and possibly deal with 
the annoying cases I mentionned (the fact that overviews in WMTS may have not 
the same origin point is the most annoying one)


> Cheers,
> Jeremy Palmer
> Data Services Group Manager
> Location Information - Data Services
> E  jpalmer at linz.govt.nz | DDI 04 498 3537 | M 027 2747 862
> Wellington Office, Level 7, Radio New Zealand House, 155 The Terrace
> PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand | T 04 460 0110
> W  www.linz.govt.nz<http://www.linz.govt.nz/> |
> www.landonline.govt.nz<http://www.landonline.govt.nz/> |
> data.linz.govt.nz<http://www.data.linz.govt.nz/>
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