[gdal-dev] Issue with gdalchksum on Fedora 21 ppc64le?

Gawade P gawade.oefp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 03:23:07 PDT 2015

Thanks, Even.I have tried this change on ppc and there were some
differences in the map values resulting in a small deviation in the
final checksum value compared to the current output on x86
The output on ppc with this change is:
bash-4.2# gdalchksum.py nwt_grd.grd
The expected values for band 2 and 3 are :
I have not tried this change on x86, will try and let you know. Could
there be any implications of these changed values elsewhere in the
code (Assuming that they will change on x86 as well)? I believe some
test cases might fail as well...

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Even Rouault
<even.rouault at spatialys.com> wrote:
> Le jeudi 27 août 2015 06:20:41, Gawade P a écrit :
>> Good Morning, Even.
>> I debugged this more, focusing, as you suggested, on the  computation
>> of the colormap and looks like the difference in the value of the
>> checksum is due to the difference in calculation of the color map
>> values for negative slopes. The following lines of code in
>> frmts/northwood/northwood.cpp, createIP() function are exhibiting
>> different behavior on intel and ppc:
>>      for( i = wm + 1; i < index; i++)
>>     {
>>         map[i].r = map[wm].r + (unsigned char)(((i - wm) * rslope) + 0.5);
>>         map[i].g = map[wm].g + (unsigned char)(((i - wm) * gslope) + 0.5);
>>         map[i].b = map[wm].b + (unsigned char)(((i - wm) * bslope) + 0.5);
>>     }
>> primarily, because of the (unsigned char) casting of the second
>> operand. Looks like the behavior could be undefined if the float value
>> resulting from the computation of the expression (((i - wm) * bslope)
>> + 0.5) is negative, as would be the case for negative slope.
>> For ppc, the expression  (unsigned char)(((i - wm) * bslope) + 0.5) is
>> evaluating to zero, whenever the result of (((i - wm) * bslope) + 0.5)
>> is -ve i.e. for -ve slope
> Interesting. It is likely that the result of the cast (unsigned
> char)negative_floating_point_value is undefined by the C standard and there
> might be differences in behaviour according to the CPU here (seems to be
> confirmed by http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2490600/iphone-floats-cast-to-
> unsigned-ints-get-set-to-0-if-they-are-negative)
> I think the following should be portable:
> map[i].r = (unsigned char)(map[wm].r + (i - wm) * rslope + 0.5);
> map[i].g = (unsigned char)(map[wm].g + (i - wm) * gslope + 0.5);
> map[i].b = (unsigned char)(map[wm].b + (i - wm) * bslope + 0.5);
> Could you confirm ?
> W might want to explictly clamp to [0,255] before casting, but according to
> the formulas of the slope, I'm confident the result should already be in
> [0,255.X] range.
> Even
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> http://www.spatialys.com

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