[gdal-dev] compiling mongodb driver???

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jun 24 08:23:26 PDT 2015


It is in the development version (2.1.0dev), not 2.0.0. The website displays 
the doc of the dev version. 

On Unix, you must use the following configure options:
  --with-mongocxx=ARG        Include MongoCXX support (ARG=Path, yes or no)
  --with-boost-lib-path=ARG   Path to boost libraries for mongocxx client

On Windows, look at the directions in nmake.opt (search for MONGO)


> Hi - has anyone got any pointers on compiling the mongodb drivers into the
> latest 2.0.0 version of gdal. I've been watching for a while and the new
> 2.0.0 page has a table saying that mongo is included but not compiled in by
> default. I've downloaded the libraries and compiled them from the link on
> the gdal "vector formats" page but no idea how to integrate the mongo
> library into the rest of the ogr tools. I know there was a bit of traffic
> about this a year ago but couldn't find anything more up to date. All help
> gratefully received!....
> thanks
> Jon.(P).

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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