[gdal-dev] gdal commands and alternate datum (Old Hawaiian) handling
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Mar 26 05:31:13 PDT 2015
> Good morning,
> I've got some raster images for Hawaii, and I've found that running any
> command (gdalinfo, translate, warp) will return the following error in my
> Ubuntu environment:
> Warning 1: Unhandled (yet) value for Datum : OHA-M. Defaulting to WGS84...
I guess this comes from a geospatial PDF ? You're lucky I remember having put
that warning message when writing the driver... So please always specify which
format/driver you're talking about.
> I have seen that the files located in /usr/share/gdal/1.10 do seem to
> mention the Hawaiian datums, but I'm not sure how to enable support of
> those when I run my regular commands. I'm running a script in Python, so
> I'm wondering if it may be possible to work around this, or if this is
> just a future development that hasn't happened yet.
The driver only handles a dozain of common datum codes from the list of
hundreds of datums given at annex A (Predefined Datums) of
http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=40537 . The issue is that
the matching between those GEOTRANS bases datum codes and their EPSG
equivalents must be manually done... So they tend to be added on a case by
case basis. In that instance OHA-M stands for 'OLD HAWAIIAN (CC), Mean'
according to the annex.
In gdal/gt_datum.csv (derived from GeoTrans):
CODE (String) = OHA-M
NAME (String) = OLD HAWAIIAN (CC), Mean
DELTAX (String) = 61
SIGMAX (String) = 25
DELTAY (String) = -285
SIGMAY (String) = 20
DELTAZ (String) = -181
SIGMAZ (String) = 20
NORTH (String) = 17
SOUTH (String) = 24
WEST (String) = -164
EAST (String) = -153
ROTX (String) = (null)
ROTY (String) = (null)
ROTZ (String) = (null)
SCALE (String) = (null)
But there are other variations of OHA- (A, B, C and D)
In the EPSG world, there's just one as far as I can see. And by comparing the
DELTAX, DELTAY and DELTAZ parameters of the above definition with the TOWGS84
of the below definition, OHA-M seems to match the 'Old_Hawaiian' datum from
$ gdalsrsinfo EPSG:4135
PROJ.4 : '+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66 +towgs84=61,-285,-181,0,0,0,0 +no_defs '
GEOGCS["Old Hawaiian",
SPHEROID["Clarke 1866",6378206.4,294.9786982138982,
So you could likely replace the DATUM section of the WKT definition returned by
the PDF driver with the DATUM section of the above and put that in a foo.wkt
file, and then use -a_srs foo.wkt / -t_srs foo.wkt depending on the utility.
I've just implemented in trunk the interpretation of OHA-M based on above
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