[gdal-dev] RFC 44: Add Parseable Output Formats for ogrinfo and gdalinfo

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Mon Mar 30 01:46:07 PDT 2015

Homme Zwaagstra <hrz <at> geodata.soton.ac.uk> writes:

>     P.S. on the proposal below, perhaps things could be 'standardised'
>     even more by
>     including the cornerCoordinates in both wgs84 and native coordinate
>     systems
>     (much like gdalinfo does at the moment).  In this way you can be
>     guaranteed of
>     getting geojson output in its default coordinate system.  e.g.:
>     { "cornerCoordinates":
>       { "wgs84": ... GeoJSON FeatureCollection transformed to EPSG:4326
>     ...,
>         "native: ... GeoJSON FeatureCollection in native coordinates ...
>       }
>     }
>     Best regards,
>     Homme   


Do you want to open this can of worms? Hardcore GeoJSON folks will tell that
"GeoJSON FeatureCollection in native coordinates" does not exist because
newest GeoJSON draft wants to support only one CRS which is WGS84
Longitude-Latitude. From

"Other coordinate reference systems, including ones described by CRS
objects of the kind defined in [GJ2008] are NOT RECOMMENDED."

And then hardcore OGC standard folks will tell that the axis order of
coordinates must follow the official EPSG:definitions.

At least for me as a user of ogrinfo and gdalinfo the bounds in the native
units are the ones which I need. A few times in a year the geographic bounds
may be useful but I have not even thought before writing this mail that
ogrinfo does not report the WGS84 bounds while gdalinfo does. I deal also
often with data with unknown CRS like shapefiles without .prj and tiff+tfw
files. I suppose that bounds of those cannot be expressed as GeoJSON
FeatureCollections according to the new draft because nobody knows how to
re-project from unknown to WGS84 and back..

I think that the original RFC keeps things simple by relying on plain XML
and JSON and not mixing GML and GeoJSON into the play. However, I am not a
programmer so I may be all wrong.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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