[gdal-dev] FATAL: CPLGetTLSList() failed to allocate TLS list!

Pierre Soille pierre.soille at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Thu Nov 5 09:14:14 PST 2015

On 05/11/2015 16:57, Even Rouault wrote:
> Le jeudi 05 novembre 2015 16:27:40, Pierre Soille a écrit :
>> Hello!
>> when reading 1000's of jp2 images with the JP2OpenJPEG/JPEG-2000 driver,
>> I get from time to time the following error:
> How do you read them ? Within the same process one after the others ? With 
> (many) threads ?

I read one file by process.  Since the process are not limited by the
RAM, there are as many processes on the compute node as its number of
cores.  I therefore set OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1.  However, it seems that
the code that creates the error uses pthreads (rather than OpenMP). I
suspect that there are too many (p)threads running simultaneously.  I am
not familiar with pthreads but setting POSIX_NUM_THREADS to 1 did not
help (in fact I do not see any reading of an environment variable in the
cpl_multiproc.cpp code).

Thanks a lot,


>> FATAL: CPLGetTLSList() failed to allocate TLS list!
>> It seems that this error occurs in cpl_multiproc.cpp in case not a call
>> to VSICalloc() returns a NULL pointer,
>> see
>> https://github.com/mapbox/node-srs/blob/master/deps/osr/src/cpl_multiproc.c
>> pp#L665
> I'm not sure why you mention this repository (although it is code that comes 
> originally from GDAL)
>> Any idea/hint, why this type of error could occur?
> The immediate answer is out of memory condition. That said, the root cause 
> might be something else. Hard to diagnose without stack trace, etc...
> Are you sure there's not a memory leak in your code... ?
>> Thanks,
>> Pierre
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