[gdal-dev] gdal2tiles.py of transparent background vrt/png gives black background tiles

John W. Glendening glendening at drjack.net
Sun Apr 23 10:03:58 PDT 2017

On Sun, 2017-04-23 at 09:35 +0200, Grégory Bataille wrote:
> Is your TIF transparent background using properly the NODATA special value?
> If so you can tell gdal2tiles how to interpret and translate the nodata in
> RGBA using the -a option
> gdal2tiles.py SOURCE DEST -a 0,0,0,0

Thank you, that solved the problem.  I was aware of NODATA when creating
images but had not realized that could also apply in this case. 

John W. (Jack) Glendening  831-484-6929
25953 Deer Run Lane  Salinas, CA  93908

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