[gdal-dev] WCS driver

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 05:39:11 PDT 2017

Even Rouault kirjoitti 23.10.2017 klo 13:19:
> Hi Ari,
>> It seems to me that the WCS driver could benefit from some love.
> That would be a good initiative!

I could begin with the gdalinfo WCS:... to list the subdatasets. I guess 
that's enough for some time.

> In the wished feature list, I could add:
> * improve test coverage, which is really low currently:
> https://rawgit.com/rouault/gdalautotest-coverage-results/master/coverage_html/frmts/wcs/wcsdataset.cpp.gcov.html
> One issue we have for testing is the lack of stable & reliable servers.
> One potential way of addressing this is to use a local HTTP server, like I did recently with the /vsis3/ (and similar)
> subsystems, where you can add stub endpoints. An extra advantage is that you can also easily test error situations.
> See
> - example of server start and end
> 	https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/autotest/gcore/vsis3.py#L126
>        https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/autotest/gcore/vsis3.py#L1906
> - example of installation of HTTP answers to expected requests:
>         https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/browser/trunk/autotest/gcore/vsis3.py#L1258

I think the way to go is to use local server with hand-made response 
variations and that looks like the needed infrastructure.

> * WCS 2.0 support
> Even


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