[gdal-dev] Opening gridded xyz data that is out of order

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Sep 11 07:52:07 PDT 2017

Yes - I am aware of gdal_translate and gdalwarp to translate formats.

Thanks a lot. I am very happy that this was so easy to solve and now I 
can use this data in QGIS.

I think the data provider just concatenated chunks of existing files and 
did not care about the order. I will ask them to run the magic sort 
command you provided before delivering the data to their clients.


On 11.09.2017 16:44, Mark Johnson wrote:
> This will do the same, just replace the EPSG code number:
> gdal_translate -ot Float32 -a_srs EPSG:25833 
> ../xyz/390_5820.dhhn92.txt ../2007.390_5820.dhhn92.25833.tif
> Mark
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