[gdal-dev] illegal axis orientation combination when re-projecting

Nick Cummins nickmcummins at icloud.com
Tue Sep 12 16:47:09 PDT 2017

I am using Arch Linux (continuous/rolling distro), using gdal from the official repositories.

Using proj. 4.9.3-1 from official repos.
As mentioned, previously (within the past month) the first re-projection example was working fine. Suddenly today I was analyzing a different tile and ran into the error, and I have not made any changes to my setup that I am aware of that would change behavior. 

Output of running ogr2ogr with valgrind in attached file.


On Sep 12, 2017, at 04:28 PM, Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com> wrote:

On mardi 12 septembre 2017 23:08:13 CEST you wrote:

> The source projection is contained in the accompanying .prj file in the zip,

> so it's probably easiest just to download and extract the zip.


I can't reproduce any crash nor error on Ubuntu 16.04 with gdal trunk, head of 2.2 branch or 2.2.1 release.

Which OS do you run ?

If you build GDAL yourself, which configure command line did you use ?

Which proj.4 version do you use ?

Since you probably run Linux from the crash message, can you install valgrind if not already done and run


valgrind ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" -t_srs EPSG:4326 dest.json TOWNSSURVEY_POLY.shp



Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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