[gdal-dev] GDAL ogr2ogr OracleSpatial to Shape: Multipolygons with wholes/multiparts are missing

Kurt Kotthoff kotthoff.kurt at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 11:00:34 PDT 2018

Hello GDAL-DEV-Team,

recently I faced a problem, which I wasn't able to solve. It regards to 
ogr2ogr Oracle Spatial to Shape-file convertion:

We're holding geodata in an Orcale database (11g) with spatial 
extension. I want to unload specific polygons and convert them into 
Shape for further local processing.

The table where I'm unloading from holds polygons/multipolygons: Oracle 
Spatial GeomTypes are 4003 and 4007 (4D-Polygon and 4D-Multipolygon - 
third and fourth axis are not used however).

For unloading and conversion I use this command within a python-script:

/ogr2ogr.main(["", "-f", "ESRI Shapefile", result_path + query_result, 
connection_params,"-nlt", "MULTIPOLYGON", "-sql", the_sql_query_here])/

Connection and full conversion only seems to work for polygons with 
GeomType 4003 however. The geometry-parts of multipartpolygons or 
polygons with wholes (GeomType 4007) are completely missing in the 
shape-file (white gaps within the map). Non-spatial attributes and 
values of these objects appear in the shape-file object-table though. I 
already tried to rerun the command above with /POLYGON/ or 
P/ROMOTE_TO_MULTI/ instead of /MULTIPOLYGON/ and /POLYGON/. No change in 
the result though.

As an example I provide the geometry of an Oracle-Spatial-object, whose 
geometry could not be converted (its a two-part multipolygon):


You can find more information, including pictures, here:

My GDAL is v2.1.2. Any known caveats or workarounds regarding this problem?

Thank you very much and best regards,

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