[gdal-dev] Is it possible to optimize vector tiles time writing with MVT driver ?

Maria Ibarra Maria.Ibarra at ign.fr
Thu Jul 26 06:42:15 PDT 2018


I am using the GDAL 2.3.1 MVT driver  to build a vector tile basemap (multiple data layers, at different zoom levels). The process takes 14 hours. However, when I do the same thing using Tippecanoe, it takes one hour and a half.

I’m not sure if I am missing some configuration to reduce the time writing with GDAL.

This is the command I'm using :

ogr2ogr -f MVT <output-folder> PG:<connection to the database> -dsco CONF=<json_conf> -dim 2

where <json_conf> =


    "layer_1": {

        "target_name": "layer_1" ,

        "description": "layer_1" ,

        "minzoom": 13 ,

        "maxzoom": 18



        "target_name": "layer_2" ,

        "description": "layer_2" ,

        "minzoom": 13 ,

        "maxzoom": 18 },



Any advice to optimize vector tile writing process would be helpful.



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