[gdal-dev] Translate leaves additional PAM .aux.xml file

Robert Coup robert.coup at koordinates.com
Fri Oct 5 03:58:14 PDT 2018

Hi all,

I have some datasets I've been converting via gdal.Translate() to
self-contained Cloud-style GeoTIFFs (ie. as one file). For a handful of
datasets that have band descriptions:

Band 1 Block=256x256 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
  Description = Band_1
  Min=1.000 Max=255.000
  Minimum=1.000, Maximum=255.000, Mean=78.774, StdDev=29.672

I sometimes end up with .aux.xml files that look like this:

  <PAMRasterBand band="1">
  <PAMRasterBand band="2">
  <PAMRasterBand band="3">

The .aux.xml goes away after a subsequent Translate(), and if I delete the
.aux.xml file the description is still present via gdalinfo, so the data is
presumably in the .tif.

Is it possible to prevent creation of the .aux.xml in this case? I was
using the presence of any extra files as a warning that something might
have been missed in the TIFF conversion.


Rob :)
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