[gdal-dev] Import Shapefile into SQL Server on Ubuntu

Peter Marlow Peter.Marlow at scisys.co.uk
Mon Oct 22 08:19:44 PDT 2018


I'm trying to import a Shapefile into an SQL Server database using ogr2ogr on Ubuntu. The command I'm running looks like:

ogr2ogr -f MSSQLSpatial "MSSQL:server=localhost;database=[database-name];username=sa;password=*****;trusted_connection=yes" [path-to-shape-file]

It returns an error stating:

ERROR 1: Unable to find driver `MSSQLSpatial'.

Is it possible to get the driver on linux? Or use an alternative driver? I've had a google and can't seem to see any workarounds.

The docs here (https://www.gdal.org/drv_mssqlspatial.html) talk about specifying a Driver parameter that could be a custom SQL Server driver, however this is in the connection string and not as a parameter for the ogr2ogr command.


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