[gdal-dev] gdal_translate geotiff to netcdf: values

Tony L. tony_lst3 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 2 10:48:32 PST 2019

HelloI have a geotiff file of sea ice concentration.When I use gdal_info it gives a series of values like:



  Color Table (RGB with 65536 entries)

    0: 9,60,112,255

    1: 9,60,112,255

    2: 9,60,112,255

    3: 9,60,112,255

    4: 9,60,112,255

    5: 9,60,112,255

    6: 9,60,112,255

    7: 9,60,112,255

    8: 9,60,112,255

    9: 9,60,112,255

   10: 9,60,112,255
When I use gdal_translate to convert to netcdf:
gdal_translate -of netCDF test.tif test.nc
and I look at the values in the test.nc file 
3662500 4187500 2540 

3687500 4187500 2540 

3712500 4187500 2540 

3737500 4187500 2540 

-3837500 4212500 0 

-3812500 4212500 0 

-3787500 4212500 0 

-3762500 4212500 0 

-3737500 4212500 0 

-3712500 4212500 0 

-3687500 4212500 0 

-1762500 4212500 0 

-1737500 4212500 0 

-1712500 4212500 16 

-1687500 4212500 0 

-1662500 4212500 0 

-1637500 4212500 0 

-1612500 4212500 36 

-1587500 4212500 48 

-1562500 4212500 2530 

-1537500 4212500 0 

-1512500 4212500 0 

-1487500 4212500 0 

-1462500 4212500 48 

-1437500 4212500 104 

-1412500 4212500 120 

-1387500 4212500 168 

-1362500 4212500 216 

-1337500 4212500 316 
My question is: when gdal_translate convert to netcdf what does the value in the third column represent?
Points that are equal to 2540 seem to be land cells, while points with 0 value are ocean cellsAre points with value rating from 0 to 1000 (where sea ice concentration exists) in per thousands? (i.e 100 = 10% sea ice concentration, 1000 = 100%?)
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