[gdal-dev] Minimal requirements of a service for reader driver OGC API - Features?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Dec 3 08:45:42 PST 2019

On mardi 3 décembre 2019 17:25:20 CET Stefan Keller wrote:
> Hi,
> We're implementing a minimal server of an "OGC API - Features" service
> and test it with a reader driver of "OGC API - Features" [1] (ogrinfo,
> ogr2ogr, QGIS). We're getting ERROR 404 with "ogrinfo
> WFS3: <ourlayer>" [2] obviously because some discovery
> paths are not implemented at server side.
> Now, my question is: What are the endpoints really required by the OGR
> reader driver? /api ?

Source is there:

Master implements the final spec:
(there have been changes w.r.t earlier drafts)

From my memories, the OGR driver needs:
- Landing page: required
- /collections: required
- /collections/{collectioname}/items: required
- /api (actually link provided in Landing page): optional
- /conformance: not used

You can enable --config CPL_DEBUG ON --config CPL_CURL_VERBOSE YES
to see which network requests are attempted (some may be attempted and if
the server doesn't implement them, execution can continue

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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