[gdal-dev] vector representation in netcdf 4

Bekaert, David (334H) David.Bekaert at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jan 11 13:22:03 PST 2019

Dear GDAL developers,

I am looking into adding a wkt compatible polygon into a netcdf (version 4) file which also has raster information in it.
Attached is a sample file generated by Even “mixed.nc” with a wkt polygon enclosed formatted as a string of numpy array.
The sample allows to extract a poly using ogr2ogr as “ogr2ogr mixed.shp mixed.nc poly”

Although QGIS does not seem to catch projection information.
Is there a standard way of storing vector information in netcdf conform CF or would the attached sample be specifically for GDAL only?

Thank you,

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