[gdal-dev] How to create GeoTiff from image and UTM Coordinates
Adrien André
adr.andre at laposte.net
Fri Jan 25 08:30:17 PST 2019
you need to know your data spatial resolution and the pixel coordinates
corresponding to (Easting,Northing).
If GDAL cannot read the .emf file, try using ImageMagick:
convert image.emf my_raster.png
Then, you might try to create a worldfile my_raster.wld (See [0]).
The attached example is for a resolution of 10x10m and if
(Easting,Northing) is for your image upper-left corner.
Then provide source SRS info and warp:
gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:32624 -t_srs EPSG:4326 my_raster.png my_raster-geo-tif
[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_file
Hope this helps,
Le 19-01-08 à 05 h 04, gregsmk a écrit :
> Hi,
> i am a very beginner in GeoTiff and Georeferencing.
> _ i have an image in .emf file format.
> _ i also have these UTM informations:
> Easting,Northing,Zone,Hemisphere
> Exemple: 400000,4379520,24,N
> How can i use GDAL to create a geotiff from these informations ?
> (My GeoTiff need to be in wgs84, epsg:4326)
> (i need to use command line tools, no GUI)
> i think i need to convert .emf to a file format which can be supported
> by GDAL such as .bmp ou "standard" .tif. But After ?
> Maybe with gdal_translate and/or gdalwarp, but how ?
> Note: i am a very beginner.
> Regards
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