[gdal-dev] How to create GeoTiff from image and UTM Coordinates

Mike Taves mwtoews at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 13:00:04 PST 2019

On Sat, 26 Jan 2019 at 05:50, Adrien André <adr.andre at laposte.net> wrote:
> If GDAL cannot read the .emf file, try using ImageMagick:
> convert image.emf my_raster.png

This is a good approach, however you will also need to pay attention
to convert's -density and -units options [1] to maintain some sort of
meaningful scale between projected meters and whatever resolution is
used with the original vector image. Also, you can directly write a
.tif file instead of .png to start making a GeoTIFF.

> Then, you might try to create a worldfile my_raster.wld (See [0]).
> The attached example is for a resolution of 10x10m and if
> (Easting,Northing) is for your image upper-left corner.

Be aware that a wordfile references the center of the upper-left cell,
not the corner. An alternative tool that can directly modify a raster
is gdal_edit.py [2], e.g. spatial extent, resolution and CRS. This
tool (as well as GDAL) references the corners of cells, as expected.

After making a georeferenced raster in a projected CRS (e.g. UTM),
then you can create a second raster reprojected in WGS84 using
gdalwarp [3], or just allow GIS software to reproject on-the-fly (e.g.
QGIS does this nicely).

[1] https://imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#density
[2] https://www.gdal.org/gdal_edit.html
[3] https://www.gdal.org/gdalwarp.html

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