[gdal-dev] ReadRaster memory hit

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Mar 12 04:58:17 PDT 2019

On mardi 12 mars 2019 01:56:34 CET Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a python script and I need to read certain pixels form a  huge
> Hyperspectral images with  over 200 band.  If I use the method below from
> the tutorial,  if I understand correctly, memory hits will only come from
> what I place in the buffer? In this case, only one line of pixels?
> Therefore, even if the raster is huge, only that one line of pixels will
> actually be in memory?

In theory yes, but that might depend on the driver and actual data 
organization. If the data is pixel-interleaved, then the driver might buffer 
the data for the line for all the bands of the raster, even if you request 
reading just one like you do.


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