[gdal-dev] Export to Geopackage

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Mar 14 08:16:25 PDT 2019

On jeudi 14 mars 2019 11:11:42 CET Randal Hale wrote:
> If I export a postgis table to geopackage:
> ogr2ogr -f GPKG  export.gpkg  PG:"host=gis1 user=rjhale dbname=dbname
> password=pass" -nln "addresspoints" -sql "select id, geom, addresses"
> I check the geopackage:
> rjhale at gis7:~/temp$ ogrinfo -so -al TCStransport.gpkg
> INFO: Open of `TCStransport.gpkg'
>        using driver `GPKG' successful.
> Layer name: addresspoints
> *Geometry: Unknown (any)*
> Feature Count: 23735
> Any idea on what I'm doing wrong - the unknown geometry seems to be
> causing an issue in another process. If I export without the SQL
> statement everything is fine.


You aren't doing something wrong. This is just that the PostGIS driver cannot 
retrieve the layer geometry type if using a SQL statement (could perhaps be 
improved in simple situations where selecting from a single table without join 
or transformation on the geometry). You can force the output layer geometry 
type by adding -nlt POINT|LINESTRING|POLYGON|etc.

See doc of -nlt in https://gdal.org/ogr2ogr.html


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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