[gdal-dev] OGR Transformation Clarification

Andrew Bell andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
Wed May 22 06:31:57 PDT 2019


Can someone please explain in some more detail what is meant by this
statement in the description of OCTNewCoordinateTransformation() ?

"This will honour the axis order advertized by the source and target SRS,
as well as their "data axis to SRS axis mapping". To have a behaviour
similar to GDAL < 3.0, the OGR_CT_FORCE_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER configuration
option can be set to YES."

I'm trying to understand what the difference is from GDAL < 3.0 and how I
might know that I'm seeing an issue and need to use the specified
configuration option.


Andrew Bell
andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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