[gdal-dev] Export a geotiff to netcdf in lat lon coordinates
Jeff McKenna
jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Nov 22 10:19:26 PST 2019
Hi Tony,
Here are my steps.
Have a nice weekend.
#use gdalinfo to get summary (see https://gdal.org/programs/gdalinfo.html)
gdalinfo -noct N_197901_concentration_v3.0.tif
#review source EPSG projection (found from gdalinfo command above)
in web browser goto: http://epsg.io/3411
#review desired output projection (lat/long)
in web browser goto: http://epsg.io/4326
#transform to NetCDF
gdal_translate -f netCDF N_197901_concentration_v3.0.tif
#reproject to lat/long, which is EPSG:4326
gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:3411 -t_srs EPSG:4326
N_197901_concentration_v3.0.nc N_197901_concentration_v3.0_4326.nc
#examine reprojected file (verify "corner coordinates" look proper)
gdalinfo -noct N_197901_concentration_v3.0_4326.nc
* for all commands I used MS4W 4.0.1, on Windows, from https://ms4w.com
Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services
On 2019-11-22 1:24 PM, Tony L. wrote:
> Hello
> I'm quite new with gdal and would like to use is to rewrite a geotiff of
> NSIDC sea ice concentration from geotiff in polar stereographic
> projection into a netcdf in Lon Lat coordinates
> The file is located here: N_197901_concentration_v3.0.tif
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/bkqt6qgyhpr7vjk/N_197901_concentration_v3.0.tif?dl=0>
> N_197901_concentration_v3.0.tif
> Shared with Dropbox
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/bkqt6qgyhpr7vjk/N_197901_concentration_v3.0.tif?dl=0>
> I was able to transform the file into a netcdf file using gdal_translate:
> gdal_translate -of netCDF N_197901_concentration_v3.0.tif out.nc
> But I'm still trying to figure out how to translate this into Lon Lat
> coordinates (probably using gdalwarp)
> Any help would be really appreciated!
> Tony
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