[gdal-dev] What Statistics Are Returned By GDAL.Dataset.GetRasterBand(...).GetStatistics(...) ?

Peter Willis pwillis at aslenv.com
Thu Oct 3 10:21:58 PDT 2019


I am using osgeo.gdal  python module  to load and get stats from image

While working with the, python, 'GetStatistics(...)' function I noticed that
the returned values seemed a bit off.
A snippet of code is shown below.

I compared the statistics returned in python by the function to band
statistics in ENVI image processing package for the same input file.
The results are shown below.

I am wondering if I am missing information regarding some key data filtering
feature in GDAL GetStatistics.
What statistics are GDAL returning?


src_ds = gdal.Open(image_path )
for bnd in range(1, src_ds.RasterCount+1 ):
    item = {}
    print("[ GETTING BAND ]: ", bnd)
    srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(bnd)
    if srcband is None:
    stats = srcband.GetStatistics( 0, 1 )
    if stats is None:
        print('put the values in a dictionary')
        ##GDAL stats##
        #item['min'] = stats[0]
        #item['max'] = stats[1]
        #item['mean'] = stats[2]
        #item['stdev'] = stats[3]
        ##numpy array stats##
        #item['min'] = bnddata.min()
        #item['max'] = bnddata.max()
        #item['mean'] = bnddata.mean()
        #item['stdev'] = bnddata.std()



ENVI Statistics test returns these vales for each channel

Channel    Min            Max           Mean        Stdev
Band 1      0.000000  0.441641  0.135938  0.095007
Band 2      0.000000  0.477772  0.134556  0.096385
Band 3      0.000000  0.512614  0.143145  0.108702
Band 4      0.000000  0.574203  0.159381  0.128212
Band 5      0.000000  1.286870  0.190917  0.159562
Band 6      0.000000  1.368695  0.218191  0.191100
Band 7      0.000000  1.208142  0.179098  0.158407


GDAL GetStatistics in Python 3.0 Returns

{'min': 0.10543035715818, 'max': 0.35029646754265, 'mean': 0.19733288299107,
'stdev': 0.03141020073449}, 
{'min': 0.087364979088306, 'max': 0.36481207609177, 'mean':
0.19531263034662, 'stdev': 0.040193729911813}, 
{'min': 0.066563792526722, 'max': 0.40562310814857, 'mean':
0.20773722116063, 'stdev': 0.060965329408999}, 
{'min': 0.057971999049187, 'max': 0.49459338188171, 'mean':
0.23126556845189, 'stdev': 0.084854378172706}, 
{'min': 0.052771702408791, 'max': 0.57949388027191, 'mean':
0.27695694029464, 'stdev': 0.11419731959916}, 
{'min': 0.033055797219276, 'max': 0.67045384645462, 'mean':
0.31645853188616, 'stdev': 0.14756091787453}


Using NumPy Stats Functions in Python 3.0

Return the following values after converting the previous GDAL bands to
'NumPy.Array' and using the NumPy functions
(Values look similar to ENVI)
{'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.44164082, 'mean': 0.13593808, 'stdev': 0.09500719}, 
{'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.47777158, 'mean': 0.13455594, 'stdev': 0.09638489}, 
{'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.51261353, 'mean': 0.14314489, 'stdev': 0.108702265}, 
{'min': 0.0, 'max': 0.57420313, 'mean': 0.15938139, 'stdev': 0.12821245}, 
{'min': 0.0, 'max': 1.2868699, 'mean': 0.19091722, 'stdev': 0.15956147}, 
{'min': 0.0, 'max': 1.3686954, 'mean': 0.21819061, 'stdev': 0.1911003}

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