[gdal-dev] experimental GDAL 3 packages for Debian stable

Momtchil Momtchev momtchil at momtchev.com
Tue Oct 22 03:07:28 PDT 2019


I have set up a Debian 10 repository with a merge of the official Debian 
packages from sid and GDAL 3 compiled directly from the git master. 
These are highly experimental but seem to work for me. They include 
proj6, ogdi4 and libgeotiff5, all based on the official Debian packages 
from sid. They have different names from the base packages, so 
installing the runtime only of proj6 and gdal26 along proj4 and gdal24 
should be possible. The -dev packages are mutually exclusive.

GDAL in Debian 10 is broken for my usage because of a new artificial 
memory constraint in the GeoJSON driver that is fixed on master, so I am 
willing to maintain these until Debian catches up. Once there is a new 
official release, be it 3.0.2 or 3.1, I will rebuild them and I will 
probably stop there.

If anyone is interested in rebuilding these packages for Ubuntu 19.04, I 
have left the Dockerfiles.

The repository can be found at https://deb.meteo.guru/ , any comments 
are welcome

Momtchil Momtchev <momtchil at momtchev.com>

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