[gdal-dev] FileGDB create layer error

Jon Morris Jon.Morris at jbarisk.com
Fri Oct 25 01:19:54 PDT 2019

Hi All,

I came across an intermittent system test failure and just wanted to clarify what was going on.

While trying to add a layer to a newly-created File GDB, we got the error message: Failed at creating table for \expected_dem_mods_germany (General function failure.).

Turning on GDAL debugging gave the message:

FGDB: Did not found a match in ESRI SRS DB for layer SRS. Using morphed SRS WKT.
Failure is to be expected

The XML output below included this element:

            <WKT>PROJCS["Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area",GEOGCS["GCS_GRS 1980(IUGG
, 1980)",DATUM["D_unknown",SPHEROID["GRS80",6378137,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Gree

So, question 1: is this failure because the SRS is not in the Esri list of expected coordinate systems? It would not surprise me, because this is a test created from bad user data, where the SRS does not match the one they usually use.

However, question 2: why does it not fail every time? The only place we have seen this error is during a conda build on our CI server, when using Python 2. When we run tests on our local machines, or use our tool on Python 3, the layer is created OK. I want to be sure that users are not going to encounter this error, and that our tool is able to handle their data.



Jon Morris
Software Developer

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