[gdal-dev] GDALClose()...

TUELLER, SHAYNE R CIV USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC shayne.tueller at us.af.mil
Tue Oct 29 17:49:24 PDT 2019


We're currently using GDAL 2.3.1 on Windows to develop a shapefile editor for our application.

We're seeing a crash in our application when we call GDALClose() on a dataset/layer that contains a large shapefile with a large number of polygons. We opened the shapefile and set the dataset by calling GDALOpenEx(...).

When we comment out the GDALClose() call, the application closes the dataset/layer without a crash.

My question is, if we ignore calling GDALClose() to close a layer/dataset, will this create a memory leak in our application?

Thanks in advance...

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