[gdal-dev] CURL error - SSL certificate problem

Pedro VenĂ¢ncio pedrongvenancio at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 09:37:05 PDT 2019


I'm trying to access Sentinel-2 data in Google Cloud Storage in QGIS, but
I'm getting a SSL certificate problem.

gdalinfo says:

gdalinfo /vsicurl/

ERROR 11: CURL error: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer
gdalinfo failed - unable to open '/vsicurl/

I'm using gdal from OSGeo4W in Windows:

gdalinfo --version
GDAL 2.4.1, released 2019/03/15

I'm almost sure that this was working some time ago.

Any hint about this issue?

Another question I've is about using /vsigs/ (Google Cloud Storage files).
For that, I need the bucket and the object key.

For Sentinel-2 data stored in Google Cloud Storage, I believe the bucket
name is gcp-public-data-sentinel-2, but I can't find anything about the
object key. What could be the key?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Pedro VenĂ¢ncio
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