[gdal-dev] Create a network

Dmitry Baryshnikov bishop.dev at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 01:25:00 PDT 2020


You need to follow these steps:

1. Create empty network

 > gnmmanage.exe create -f GNMFile -t_srs "EPSG:4326" -dsco 
"net_name=my_network_1" C:\tmp\gnmnetwork

2. Load your data

 > gnmmanage.exe import lines.shp -l lines C:\tmp\gnmnetwork

Repeat for all your layers

3. Connect features to create network. Features identifiers set while 
importing your spatial data. Use ogrinfo to check them.

 > gnmmanage.exe connect 1 2 -1 C:\tmp\gnmnetwork

4. Perform shortest path using Dijkstra

 > gnmanalyse.exe dijkstra 1 2 -ds shortestpath.shp -f "ESRI Shapefile" 
-l shortestpath C:\tmp\gnmnetwork

Some links:

* https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/geography_network_support

* https://nextgis.com/blog/gnm/ <https://nextgis.com/blog/gnm/>

* http://gsoc2014gnm.blogspot.com/

Best regards,

19.08.2020 07:31, marto salata пишет:
> dear GDAL team,
> how  i can create a network using gnmmanage.exe from a polyline 
> shapefile, so i can perform a dijkstra with gnmanalyse.exe
> best regards
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