[gdal-dev] Required PROJ data in PROJ7

jratike80 jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Aug 19 14:20:51 PDT 2020


This question may belong rather to the Proj mailing list. There is already a
thread https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/proj/2020-July/009729.html.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

John Daniel-2 wrote
> Hello,
> The old proj-datumgrid is divided into a small, 13 MB required dataset and
> a number of much larger optional regional datasets. The new proj-data
> doesn't seem to have this distinction. It is smaller overall, but still
> 500 MB. 
> I am interested in using GDAL in mobile apps so I don't want to include
> that much data. Is there a smaller set of proj-data files that can be used
> instead? Which of those files are required and which can be omitted? For
> example, it is possible to split the data by region, but with the software
> work with only a partial set of files? Can the data files be downloaded at
> runtime, on demand? If so, I'm sure I will need to include a few of them
> by default.
> It looks like PROJ 7 can still be used with the old data. Is PROJ 7 safe
> for use with other projects? I have seen some messages that suggested that
> this was a problem for some projects. I think Spatialite was one. I won't
> be distributing with GPL projects like GEOS or Spatialite, but I would
> still like to use them for local testing.
> Thanks.
> John Daniel
> Etresoft, Inc.
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