[gdal-dev] How do I install GDAL on Windows 10?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Feb 25 05:12:15 PST 2020

If you are looking for a simple zipfile, you can download MS4W 
(https://ms4w.com/) which contains GDAL 2.4.4 and Python 3.7.5 - 
GeoPandas hasn't been added yet to MS4W, but there is already a ticket 
filed so it will be added to a future version soon.

Some steps for you:
- extract MS4W to drive root, so after extraction you have C:/ms4w
- open a command window and cd into /ms4w
- setenv.bat
- gdalinfo --version

You can then get more assistance from the MS4W community at 


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2020-02-25 1:59 a.m., /dev /local/ca wrote:
> I want to install and use GDAL on Windows 10.
> I don't know what 'conda' is, I don't care what it is, and I don't want 
> to install it and screw up my machine.
> Ultimately I want to install 'geopandas', but it has a requirement of 
> 'fiona', and 'fiona' requires 'GDAL' so I need to figure that out first,
> ---
> then I need to figure out how to install 'Rtree' which has a dependency 
> of 'spatialindex', so after this will figure out how to install 
> 'spatialindex', then figure out how to install 'Rtree', then try again 
> and see if 'fiona' will install and then after that try 'geopandas' again,
> but for now, the first step I see is 'GDAL'.

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