[gdal-dev] Handle geojson bigger than 200MB
Just van den Broecke
justb4 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 08:49:22 PST 2020
On 28-02-20 17:29, Even Rouault wrote:
> On vendredi 28 février 2020 17:22:28 CET Francesco Bartoli wrote:
>> However, we are using both modules so how can we handle exceptions properly
>> for both of them?
AFAIK we only use OGR (vector) currently within pygeoapi, no raster/GDAL
> You can use both gdal.UseExceptions() and ogr.UseExceptions()
My bad: in the initial version of the pygeoapi OGRProvider I added
gdal.UseExceptions() from example code (py-gdalogr-cookbook). Was not
aware of ogr.UseExceptions()!
>> Using ogr.UseExceptions() the
>> call https://github.com/geopython/pygeoapi/pull/372/files#diff-b105ae3f7a36
>> 059b16bdc16a08071016R361 gives the same result silently without any message
>> to system output this time.
> On a quick test, ogr.UseExceptions() does the job for me:
>>>> from osgeo import ogr
>>>> ogr.UseExceptions()
>>>> ds = ogr.Open('poly.geojson')
>>>> lyr = ds.GetLayer(0)
>>>> lyr.GetNextFeature()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> File "/home/even/gdal/git/gdal/gdal/swig/python/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/
> osgeo/ogr.py", line 1339, in GetNextFeature
> return _ogr.Layer_GetNextFeature(self, *args)
> RuntimeError: GeoJSON object too complex, please see the
> OGR_GEOJSON_MAX_OBJ_SIZE environment option
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