[gdal-dev] new NBM grib2 files are not warpable
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Jun 5 13:26:21 PDT 2020
> A follow up with some more information. According to Zachary Flamig, there
> are no issues in GDAL 2.2.0. I encountered these issues in 3.0.4.
I've just pushed a fix for that regression. was an added security check that was incorrectly
triggered when reading band 23.
> In 3.1.0,
> the warp works correctly, but gdal_translate still fails with an out of
> memory issue.
Hum, are you really sure about that.. ? if gdal_translate cannot work, I can't see how gdalwarp
could (if you use -overwrite to make sure creating a new file, and not updating something
potentially unrelated)
I get now gdal_translate and gdalwarp to work, but due to how GRIB decompression works,
for performant operation, I strongly suggest to first gdal_translate to a band interleaved
GeoTIFF file, and then gdalwarp it:
gdal_translate blend.t16z.master.f001.co.grib2 tmp.tif \
-co tiled=yes -co compress=zstd -co interleave=band
gdalwarp tmp.tif out.tif -t_srs EPSG:4326 -overwrite -co tiled=yes
Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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